Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chilling reality of drafty house bundles family in togetherness

Chilling reality of drafty house bundles family in togetherness
Published January 14, 2010 in the Commercial Appeal

"I'm never going to be warm again!" announced Jiro, my 5-year-old, last week. I wanted to reassure him, and his 7-year-old brother, Satchel, that we would all be warm again, but I was freezing, too!

We live in Midtown. In a house that was built in 1918. It was "fixed up" right before we bought it three and a half years ago. It has a new HVAC system, new windows, insulation in the attic ... it was a (Midtown) dream come true! Or so we thought.

We have lots of windows, hardwood floors, and high ceilings. Air still manages to leak in (and out) of our new windows. Our utility bills are huge in the winter and we are never warm. If the temperature outside dips below 32, we are lucky to get the temperature up to 50 inside.

Every year I complain and every year I insist that our heater must be broken. This year, one of my coworkers (I work at MLGW), who just so happens to be an "Energy Doctor,'' offered to come over and take a look around...(Read more)

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