Thursday, December 30, 2010

Daily time for creativity a worthwhile resolution

Daily time for creativity a worthwhile resolution
Published December 30, 2010 in the Commercial Appeal

As the year comes to a close, it is time to look back and reflect. (This is assuming that the noise level in your house allows for reflection.)

It's also time to look forward, to make plans and resolutions. Every year, I ask my boys -- ages 6 and 8 -- what their resolutions are, and I get the same response: "What's a resolution?"

Then I try and explain the concept of a resolution in a way that would make them want to have one (or more). The idea is lost on them. They are too much in the now, in the me, me, me, to imagine making any big changes.

This year, I decided to try a new tactic. Instead of making resolutions, I thought we might all embark on a Project 365...(Read more).

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