Thursday, May 6, 2010

Morning routine filled with drama

Morning routine filled with drama
Published May 6, 2010 in the Commercial Appeal

At what age do kids start voluntarily getting out of bed and getting ready for school?

My boys (Satchel, 8, and Jiro, 6) are not morning people. I generally try to wake them up on the right side of the bed. I rub their backs, sing little songs, and try to think of a good reason for them to get up (i.e. the promise of eggs for breakfast, a reminder that it's Taekwondo day, etc.). If that doesn't work, then my husband, Warren, comes in and pulls their covers off. (Then they run and hide in our bed and we start over.)

When I finally say (quite sternly), "Go get dressed and brush your teeth," they look at me like this is completely new information -- like it never would have occurred to them to do either of these things on their own...(Read more).

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